Sunday, January 30, 2022

Love Formula

 After meeting you,

 I just knew that you are the one for me.

I searched around to find the trends,

following those tested and perfect formulas of making one fall in love,

I tried to work them all on you,

I tried to fit in the equation 

they say you need to be in,

 to find love.

For some time all I could do

 was to work my mind on 

how to be that perfect one,

who is more likely to be the one 

for you.

Even when you asked true thoughts, 

I don't know why I ended up lying,

maybe because I was too scared to be the one you don't wanna be with.

It took me a long time to realize,

but now I do

That all along there was no formula,

It was just about me and you.


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Once again thanks for reading,

have a beautiful day

Friday, January 7, 2022

Careless Yet Cautious

 For a moment I stopped,

thinking about it again.

Even though I have thought,

that I have come far away.

Away from the half-spoken words,

and those lingering thoughts that make my head burn.

Away from the shaky voice,

and that looking down, grinding my teeth.

Away from the whispers,

and those mental fingers my ways.

But sometimes, no matter how much you fight

they will just get stronger,

till you're weakened enough

to not know what to say.

So, now I wanna change my way

cause I know that there's no need to think about those mental fingers,

those whispers, and that 'what will they think'.

cause no matter how nervous you are in this crowd,

You just need to know everything is and will be just alright.

I know it is hard to change your way,

but sometimes all it needs

is to lose yourself in the careless yet cautious waves.

Thankyou, everyone for reading,

I hope you like it and would love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments.

If you liked this poem, you can check out others and also follow the blog so gets a notification whenever I post a new one.

Once again, thanks for reading, have a beautiful day.

Hello, I am Paciano Storm. I enjoy writing even though I am not really good at it. I read all comments and I appreciate anyone who reads my works. If you like my work and want to support me you can 'buy me a coffee'. Have a beautiful day